A story about Village Ministry

My name is Rebecca Kakwerere. I thank God for the calling upon Mama Elaine and Papa Bruce and am so glad that they have such a loving heart for Uganda. They are partners of Rukungiri Community Church. They have really changed the people's lives in Uganda, especially in the villages.

I had an opportunity to move with them to the villages, and I was touched by their life-changing messages. I feel I had a reunion with God due to being in His presence every day. Now I feel so blessed and ignited to serve. I love the passion that Mama and Papa have to serve the Lord in Uganda. They eat our food, use our pit latrines, sleep on our hard beds, and don't complain about anything. At their age, they should be resting, but they do not feel tired when it comes to serving God; they have the Lord's strength and won't give up. When I become aged, I, too, will keep on serving the Lord and will not give up.

I witnessed how people in the villages were blessed, and their relationship with God renewed and transformed. I saw people being born again and getting filled with the Holy Spirit. I could see people who were very hungry for and ready to receive from God. People in the villages were fed spiritually and physically, and all thanks go to the people who support Mama and Papa financially. You make them realize their dreams; you give them the energy to keep moving.

You preach and reach the unreached through them. Thank you so much! God bless you.

Through this ministry, people, families, and communities will never remain the same. May God bless you so much, and may He continue giving you strength so you may keep on reaching the villages in Uganda.

Your Past, Present, and Future: Evangelist Bruce Barton

You are very special, you are so loved, and nothing will ever compare. Do not allow your past to influence your present. Your future depends on the choices you make today. Our story today can change lives and bring value to tomorrow. Let us celebrate our differences that make us unique, for we are wonderfully and specially made.

My Past
As a young boy, I never heard the words,You are special…You have a great gift…You have a bright future,” and I fell into the trap of comparing myself to others. I was never told or encouraged about my own self worth; therefore, I thought very lowly of myself. I was always trying to be like someone else. I never knew what I wanted to be, because I wanted to be like all the others who were successful. One day, a very special person said to me, “Quit trying to be someone that you are not. You are trying too hard!” And so my words to you are, “Quit comparing yourself to others. You are special and have a great talent!” You are made special by love, according to Psalm 139:14. God never compares you to anyone else because you are wonderfully and beautifully made- an original and one of a kind!

The bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:12 that comparing yourself to others is not smart. It is fruitless, worthless, and only an opinion. You will always end up judging who is superior and who is inferior. It is not wise or profitable to try and live up to the standards of others. When we find ourselves having an inferior complex, an inadequacy, being insufficient, or trying to become someone we are not, we tend to find ourselves purposeless, confused, and wandering.

I did not realize that I was trapping myself by the snare of my words. Each moment that I was comparing myself to others and seeing all the things they had, I felt like I had nothing, no dignity, and no contentment. I was murmuring and complaining about everything. I continued comparing myself to others and chase after the shadows of lies and darkness overwhelmed me. The more I tried to act and follow these other people, the more I took the bait. I fell into the depression trap! I felt so unworthy. I was very unhappy with myself. This past struggle kept me in prison for many years and my future was not being fulfilled.

Comparing and wanting something that someone else has is a common struggle and bondage that many people face today.

My Present
I now realize that God was with me everywhere I went, even as a child. He brought His sweet peace around me and showed me wonders of His world. He allowed me to see and hear special gifts of life upon this earth. It was special to spend valuable time in the presence of God in a boat on a quiet pond. Here God was calling me and placing purpose deep inside me.

You too had loving evidence of God being with you even when you did not realize how special you were. He did many things to show His love to you. Living in this world enables us to forget so easily.

When I finally realized and accepted myself for whom I was, I knew it was okay to be different. This gave me peace to follow His plan. When I found my place with God, I found out who I really was. When I heard the real truth, and believed that God would help change my life, it all took place very quickly.

Several others share stories similar to mine, but sadly just cannot break free. In Christ Jesus, we find the power to break free from the chains of comparison. When you place yourself at the mercy and love of Jesus, all things become possible. The bible tells us to trust Him with all of our heart and lean not to our own understanding. When you acknowledge Him, He will direct your path (Proverbs 3:5.6).

Even when I was called into ministry, the devil would tell me that no one wanted to hear me preach or teach.  But I knew, deep in my heart, that God had a very special assignment for me and I needed not to dwell on negative thoughts from negative people.

My present life of serving Jesus does not come from my past discouragements or failures. My life is serving Him, seeking Him, and loving a wonderful God. I forever will praise Him and worship Him for restoring my life and using me for what I was intended. Today, I seek Him because I am drawn to His goodness and unfailing love. I have hope and my life is driven by purpose.

Evangelist Bruce Barton is the Founder and CEO of Whole World Ministries. 

God In Us: Christi Carnell

My five-year-old son asks A LOT of questions throughout the day. Lately he’s been intrigued by outer space. How big is our galaxy? Can you explain gravity? What makes up Saturn’s rings? Is God in outer space? As we contemplate and discuss the expanse of the universe and the details of God’s creation, I am in wonder at the majesty of it all. I am also very grateful that a search engine can be easily accessed and that his inquisitive mind is satisfied with my replies.

We downloaded an app on my phone that, when you hold it up to the heavens, displays the constellations in our part of the night sky. We had to wait until a few days later to finally use it because it had been cloudy. Evening came and we quickly slipped onto the deck and pointed the phone towards the cosmos. We admired the stars, looked for planets, and gave thanks for the fun we were having. “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands” (New International Version, Ps. 19.1). This gift of the night sky and its beautiful display is one of the many ways I feel loved by God. It is a constant reminder to respond with thanksgiving and praise Him in all things, to open my eyes to His glory, to marvel at His handiwork, to stop and lift up my eyes, and to enjoy His good gifts.

I wonder what my children think as they gaze at the innumerable amount of stars and unending space. The world must feel so big and God seemingly far away because they cannot physically touch or see Him. They know Him as their Creator and Father who lives in heaven. The God we pray to and give thanks. The reason for church and Christmas and Easter. But what about the God who is right here? Herein lies the beautiful juxtaposition that this seemingly distant God of the entire universe actually yearns for a deeply intimate relationship. This omnipotent and omniscient God beckons us to call Him Abba Father, daddy.  He is incredibly personal and a God that never leaves us. His love for us is as vast as the skies. He is God with us and there is nothing that can separate us from His love.

As we flow into the Easter season and reflect on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the love of God overwhelms me. Because of this unending and relentless love, He sacrificed his one and only son. Jesus took our place, our sin, and restored our relationship with the Father so we could become sons and daughters. This act of love is the spark that ignites the world; His love illumines the darkness. Jesus is the light of the world and to know Him is to know God. The night sky is certainly a sight to behold, but the gift of spending all of eternity with Him is the greatest gift we could ever receive.

When Jesus becomes the Lord of our lives and His love flows through us…and when the Word is in our hearts and we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us…our lives become light in the darkness. We shine as bright as stars in the night.

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13.35).

I am the tangible vessel of God’s love that my children can see and feel. It is His love reflected in me that will help them grow in the grace and knowledge of God- to point them to the One who is right here.

The Holy Bible, New International Version. Grand Rapids: Zondervan House, 1984. Print.

Christi Carnell is a homemaker who previously taught second grade for many years. She is the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Coordinator at New Kent Christian Center and serves as secretary on the Whole World Ministries board.

Christi graduated from Christopher Newport University with an Early Childhood Psychology degree and then furthered her education at the University of Richmond.

Christi resides in New Kent County with her husband, Scott, and their two children, Noah and Maeve. She loves spending time with her family and enjoying the outdoors.