Traveling to the Dominican Republic

We are looking forward to our next trip. We will be traveling to the Dominican Republic and serving under another ministry, Hope International. We will leave June 20th and return June 28th. We serve in any way we are needed but our main focus will be to volunteer in the prayer tent. This is a medical mission trip and each individual who receives care first receives prayer. We are excited for the opportunity to share the gospel with the beautiful people of the Dominican republic.

A women conference story

We have been doing women's conferences since we opened up this church in 2005. But it wasn't easy to do since we had to pay for everything ourselves, including feeding and housing the women who came for the conference.

This ministry was growing so fast that it became overwhelming. So we prayed to God to bring us someone who would partner with us in an annual women's conference. God answered our prayers by bringing Mama Elaine and Papa Bruce, who stand with us in everything. We are grateful.

When Covid came up, we stopped doing the women's conferences for two years, which made women so hungry for the word of God. This year, God opened the door for us to have the women's conference again, and our theme was "Fear Not" Rom15:13. It was the perfect theme because everyone was in fear and had lost so much during this time. We had to tell women that God could restore hope and peace and remove their fear.

We had four days of conferences, and God blessed us. Over 500 women came, showing me how hungry and expectant they were for the conference.

I was among the main speakers and was blessed to be part of what God was doing. My hope was brought back. I didn't have to fear anything because I knew God was handling it. Peace and joy came back into my life due to the beautiful teachings of Mama Elaine.

The topics and teachings were full of fire. They were educative and encouraging. Every woman needed them. We had one-on-one sessions where women could ask questions. It was so touching. Everyone loved these sessions because it was a time of opening up and bringing healing to the inner person.

The sleeping was amazing, though most women didn't care where they slept–even on the floor–as long as they were fed on God's word. This attitude lifted my passion for serving God. Their physical needs were also met as they were provided food from breakfast to dinner. The food helps the women come knowing that they will not go hungry.

Many women got connections from this conference, and others were being helped in one way or the other as God provided. Healings took place; families were changed and restored. Women received Holy Spirit. They were taught to know who they are in God and society. Women were taught how important they are, and not to despise themselves because they are made in the image of God.

Women were taught that they could do anything that men did because they had the ability. Women were taught to see themselves as God sees them, to love themselves regardless of what people say. This conference was a blessing to many women because it gave them a platform for serving God.

I know and believe that at the conference, many lives changed. I want to thank supporters of this conference; you have preached the word of God even though you were not here physically, through Papa and Mama. Thank you so much.

May God bless you and give you a long life to keep on reaching many lives for Christ. You are causing a real impact on women and everyone around them.

Thank you so much,

Ps Rebecca Kakwerere

Rukungiri Community Church.