Come and see what the Lord has done

Whole World Ministries began as a quiet knowing in the heart of one of its founders, Bruce Barton. As a chaplain at a regional jail, Bruce felt a hunger to go out into the world and win people for Christ. After spending a week evangelizing in the street with a fellow pastor, he knew his calling had truly been activated but he didn’t know how God would manifest that calling into reality.

“God has opened doors of opportunity to share with the world about His love and promises. This builds my faith, builds life values, and helps me understand why people struggle. God is everything to me and I have to share Him with others.” — Bruce Barton

God’s perfect timing placed Bruce and his wife, WWM co-founder Elaine, in Jamaica where, after evangelizing in the resort lobby, they were introduced to a Pastor and his wife who expressed the need to learn how to bring people to Christ. After 4 hours of prayer and teaching, the seed of an idea for Whole World Ministries had taken root in Bruce and Elaine’s heart. God had made clear the path and they were ready to take action, though they still didn’t know where God would send them. Their mission started in Jamaica and over time has expanded to Uganda and Peru. They are continually open to the opportunities that God presents to them to travel to new places and connect with more of His people.

“You don’t have to be skilled. You just have to be available. God can use anyone.”

When the concept for WWM was still forming, there were many unknowns. Bruce and Elaine weren’t certain of where God would lead them or how they would lead others to Him. In fact, Elaine felt very certain that she was not meant to lead at all! But God had other plans and with the encouragement of Bruce, Elaine found her calling and began her mission of women’s leadership in the villages they visit. Bruce enjoys his role as a leader of leaders, teaching others how to evangelize and join the mission of winning people for Christ. Together they feel a combined anointing to minister to and support the street kids they encounter in each village and feel especially blessed to connect with those who are often forgotten by their communities.

Where did WWM get its name?

Every element of WWM has been divinely inspired - from the places they go to the messages they share. God continues to light our path and lead our steps as He’s done from the very beginning when Bruce was teaching for the first time in Jamaica. As he prepared to preach, he looked off to the side and saw a beautiful tapestry showing God’s hand holding a globe with the words “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” written on it. He knew in that moment what their mission should be called. And so, Whole World Ministries was officially born.

Meet Bruce & Elaine Barton

Bruce & Elaine have been married for 35 years and are the proud parents of three grown children, Jamie, Joshiah, and Jayson. They are blessed with 5 grandchildren ranging in ages from 1 to 14 and enjoy spending time with the family as often as possible.

When they’re not traveling the world sharing the Gospel, they love to spend their time together enjoying nature hiking, biking, and fishing. They both possess an adventurous spirit and love to see new places and meet new people and enjoy many new adventures and stateside ministry opportunities in their RV.

“Being part of Whole World Ministries has given me an opportunity to help people discover who they are through the teaching of God’s word. It’s an honor to help other’s find freedom in Christ, because that’s what He’s done for me.” — Elaine Barton

Reaching the World – It is Whole World Ministries' mission to reach the world. We are called to Give, Plant, and Grow

Teaching the Church – We are dedicated to training the local church. It is WWM's mandate to Teach, Train, and Take.