Through our Street Boys Ministry, we have the special opportunity to reach out to those who are often forgotten and even rejected by their own communities.

Poverty and abuse have left the street boys of Uganda homeless and forced them to live a dangerous lifestyle that many do not escape. These events allow us to provide not only the comforts of home to children who have not felt them in so long but also to show them how much they are loved and valued by their Heavenly Father. The experience is powerful not only for us as we are blessed by the opportunity to bring joy and love into the lives of these forgotten youth but also in helping to shape their futures by showing them they are worthy and cherished.

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Meeting the street boys in Uganda was an experience I will never forget.

My heart was broken for them and God clearly spoke to my heart that we were to minister to them. They were hungry, dirty, and rejected.

People ask, “Why do these boys live on the streets?” There is not one easy answer for this. Each situation is different, but some themes are common. In some cases, these boys have lost both parents due to illnesses like HIV, but that isn’t the only scenario that results in homeless children. When a divorced or widowed parent remarries, sometimes the new parent will reject the boy who is living in the home. This is especially true if the new couple brings their own children into the marriage. In some homes, poverty is so great that the boys are forced to leave to scour for food. In others, physical abuse will send a boy to the street. Sometimes a boy will even be convinced by a friend who lives on the street to leave home and join them. Whatever the reason, living on the street is a hard and dangerous option that is far too common.

Over the years we have formed relationships with these boys. We have been able to place some in a program we partner with. Every month an outreach is done to feed and minister to these boys. Sometimes they get a bath and new clothes.

The people in town believe these boys are cursed and worthless. They are rejected and abused by the community. On one occasion we decided to put love into action. We gathered the boys for an outreach and asked them if they would be willing to do an act of kindness for the community that rejected them. They were excited to participate. We each placed rubber gloves on our hands and grabbed a garbage bag. We walked through the main street of the community and picked up garbage. We sang as we marched down the street. The community couldn’t believe their eyes. Some hearts were softened that day and the boys gained a sense of purpose. We celebrated with a hot meal, bath, and new clothes.

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