Our couple’s conferences are 2-day events led by evangelists Bruce and Elaine Barton. Couples are invited to join us in one of the many villages we minister to and come from surrounding areas - sometimes traveling great distances to attend!

The conference is an opportunity for us to share testimony and scripture with married couples as a way to strengthen their bonds and encourage a Christ-like love that many of them have never been exposed to. It is a powerful opportunity to not only expand the Kingdom but to also shift the perspective on gender roles and the relationships between husbands and wives in a way that more closely mirrors God’s love for His people.

If you would like to partner with us in expanding the Kingdom, please support our efforts by reaching out.

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I always prayed to God to open a door for us to have a marriage conference, because I love to see marriages growing in God's love. I want to see marriages going to another level and realize God's purpose for marriage and family.

We had fifty couples attending this conference, and everyone was excited about it because they expected a lot from the teachings. I, for one, learned how to manage conflicts and forgiveness in my marriage. If you don't forgive, you carry a burden everywhere you go, and it breaks you, so you end up alone. I further learned that I have to know my husband's love language.

This conference impacted my life and marriage, and I know other people were also affected. At the same conference, we had a couple who spent over two years apart. They had to reconcile because they didn't want to miss the conference, and the entrance fee was you had to be a couple. So they came as a couple on that day. I know they learned how to manage their conflicts, and now they are doing well and are happy again.

I think no one wanted to go back home that day because it was a day of joy, reconciling, eating, and playing together as a couple, enjoying the presence of the Lord. I wish we could do it for more days.

Thank you, everyone, who supported Mama and Papa to do this conference. You changed lives and marriages. You helped bring life once again to almost broken marriages. Every lesson learned from there will keep us going. Thank you, Mama and Papa, for being the vessels that God uses to bring life to the marriages in Uganda.

With love,

Rebecca Kakwerere

Rukungiri Community Church