
Wholeheartedly, we know that we at Whole World Ministries are called to do what we are doing. We are called to evangelize the gospel and to train leaders and to plant churches. The reality that these things cost money is an unavoidable truth. 

For us to continue, we need your help. We need partnership. We need finances.

There aren't many opportunities in the world like this. Partnering with WWM affords you the chance to pour your resources into something that will yield accomplishments eternal. Please consider doing your part as we continue to do ours. In 2023, Whole World Ministries will reach over 5,000 individuals who will be given the resources and teachings to live a fruitful life because of your giving.

By the grace of God, we are blessed to be personally self-sufficient. Therefore, 100% of your giving is directly sown into extending the Kingdom of God into the Whole World.

If you wish to give by check, please send payment to our mailing address:

Whole World Ministries, Inc
6565 Ever Green Lane
Gloucester, Va 23061
Attn: Pastor Bruce

Your giving allows Whole World Ministries to provide leadership training. Children in many parts of the world will receive bibles from you. Our Street Boys Ministry will continue to grow with your support. You make this impact.


We first met Bruce and Elaine on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic, where we witnessed the anointing on their lives as they ministered. They were up first thing in the morning with coffee and a bible.

They preached the Word in a local church, and we watched the altar fill as people came down for prayer and salvation. Bruce and Elaine lay hands on the sick and blind; pain and sickness leave, and the blind eyes are opened. We saw depression go, and the joy of the Lord fills people’s hearts.

We have now walked with Bruce and Elaine, and supported them, for 4 years. We give to help them continue their ministry and reach the lost. And we can see their love for each other. They are a constant blessing to people wherever they go: ministering, preaching, training pastors, and so much more. They love people and want to see their spiritual and physical lives improve.

We truly believe they are chosen by God, anointed to preach, and are experienced, loving ministers. We have received such encouragement from them in our personal growth with the Lord. We will continue to give to them as they humbly minister to people worldwide.

Dr. Jay and Cindy Oram

— Dr. Jay and Cindy Oram

On the last night of ministry, our team attended a local church where we worshipped alongside the Dominican people. Pastor Ken Cramer, one of the team members, preached. At the end of the service, he invited anyone who needed healing to come to the front for prayer. Ken’s wife, Holly and I joined them at the altar to minister in prayer. A beautiful young lady, probably in her twenties, came to the front. She was wearing a neck brace, and we learned she had a problem with three discs in her back and was in great pain.

I (Bruce) shared about God's healing work, and our team began praying. After a bit, we asked her if she was still in pain. She said yes. So, we laid hands on her and prayed again.

Something powerful began to happen. With tears flowing down her cheek, she started jumping up and down. In her jumping, she was turning her head in every direction. All with a huge smile on her face!

There was no doubt that God had healed her neck completely!

— Bruce Barton