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We are so excited to be returning to Uganda to continue our partnership and connection with the people there! We’ll be hosting a Pastor’s Conference, Evangelism Training, a Women’s Conference, and Village Ministry.

Our largest need is funding for the conferences and village ministry. Consider donating to Whole World Ministries today to help us reach the world and teach the world!

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Numan, Nigeria   Kabale and Rukungiri, Uganda and Nairobi, Kenya
1:30 PM13:30

Numan, Nigeria Kabale and Rukungiri, Uganda and Nairobi, Kenya

While in Numan WWM will host a pastor’s conference. In Kabale we will host a street boy outreach, fun day with the boys at The Shepherd Center and a one day women’s conference. In Rukungiri we will host a three day pastor’s conference, a three day women’s village conference, and conduct village ministry. In Nairobi WWM will host a pastor’s conference. We will also be blessed to speak at several Sunday morning services.

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Puebla, Mexico
to Aug 17

Puebla, Mexico

WWM will be accompanying LightHouse, our local church in Gloucester, Virginia to minister in Puebla, Mexico. We will be helping with VBS and street ministry. There will also be a medical clinic and a time to minister to local Pastors.

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Kabale and Rukungiri, Uganda
to Jan 31

Kabale and Rukungiri, Uganda

While in Kabale WWM will host a street outreach to the street boys and a field day at The Shepherd Center with the boys at the center. While in Rukungiri we will have our first WWM Bible School graduation where the students will be receiving their Associates Degree in Biblical Studies.

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to Nov 20


October 29th - November 3rd: Rukungiri, Uganda, 
November 3rd - November 10th: Kabale, Uganda, 
November 10th - November 13th: Mbarara, Uganda,
November 13th - November 19th: Kabale, Uganda.

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